jeudi 9 février 2012

A Stream of Illusion : Rita Carter

Rita Carter defines illusion as things we believe are there without receiving any outside information about it. We can also receive sensory information that is not related to consciousness and it influences how we think or feel. This leads to the theory of “blindtouch,” “blindsmell,” and “blindsight.”
Blind smell, blind sight, and blind touch allow us to sense information but at the same time we are unaware of what it may be.
A personal experience I have had that influenced my perception was when my friends invited me to a party in their house. I knew my mother would not accept , so I didn’t even waste my breath asking. I began thinking of an excuse to go out . Brilliantly, I told my mom that I was going over to a friend’s
house to work on a homework assignment. Instead of going to my friend’s house I went to the party bo,but the whole time I was I feeling uncomfortable and scared . It was my conscious trying to tell me that it was a bad idea in the first place.
According to Carter , an illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation. Rita Carter explains illusion as a normal thing that human brains experience. It happens to many people diffrentely . Some believe that the sensory information we get influence our behavior but it is false. Most of the information we receive which are not sent it to our consciousness may never influence our behavior, but the effect they have on us is can be our unconscious processing of their information .

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