dimanche 4 mars 2012

Online Social Networking

           Social networking can be defined as the gathering of individuals into
particular groups . Social networking is more popular online even if it is
possible in the real world such as universities and workplaces. Social
networking sites have several benefits as well as drawbacks. In this following
essay, I will cover its benefits and dangers.

          Internet is not the same thing as universities and workplaces. Websites
are usually used for online social networking. In fact, online social websites
have various benefits in terms of interacting and discussing with other people. 
Those websites are used as online communities which are made of internet
users. Many of these online community members share their interests in
different matters like hobbies , religion or politics. Once you have access to an
online social network, you start socializing. This socialization is commonly
based on reading other member’s profiles and even contacting them through
chatting. Social networking sites are full of people who are willing to meet
other people in order to share experiences and information about different
topics, to look for jobs, to do marketing and so on. Online marketing has been
 very popular in the last four years. Many groups have been created in order
to advertise for different products and companies. Add to this, the most
popular revolutions that happened in the last two years, starting from Tunisia
and finishing by Syria, are all due to an online social website. Citizens were
grouped there as one nation trying to get ideas for better change and

          When you are a member of an online social network, you certainly will
have hundreds of friends. This can be considered as a major benefit of online
social networking. The over-all number of friends you have is called The
Dunbar’s number. Actually, some people have real problems having friends in
reality, so by becoming a member in an online network, they can have friends
even if they are virtual. Others can’t maintain relations with people because of
their job, so at least they can keep in touch with their virtual ones.

          Another benefit is the elimination of geographical boundaries. Internet
has given individuals, from all over the world, access to social network sites.
For instance, if you are living in Morocco, you can establish a friendship with
someone in India. This enables us to know more things about other new
cultures and languages. Moreover, a new kind of commerce has been
founded. It is called e-commerce. Businesses, wherever they are, give
customers controlled access to their computer’s system and let them serve
themselves. The e-commerce is usually found in Facebook and Twitter.

          Everyone is aware of the dangers that are associated with online social
networking. The first one is identity thefts. Some people use fake profiles in
the names of others. This involves online predators who claim to be someone
that they are not. According to a psychology study made at Indiana University,
“16% of students became victims of a controlled phishing scam, but a
whopping 72% were victims when they believed it was their friend who sent
them the fraudulent link.” In most cases, “we trust the faces and text people
we know without ever confirming that they are the true originator of the

         Data thefts and viruses are also on of the dangers that we are exposed to
while using and online social website. Some people send dangerous links so
as when you click on them, all the data you have on your computer ,such as
files and pictures, could be stolen.

         Another issue that people talk about, and which I don’t think is true, is
the fact that the youths spend a lot of time on social networking and are
distracted from doing other activities like playing sports or reading books.
According to a new study from “ Grunwald Associates LLC conducted in
cooperation with the National School Boards Association reports that 9 to 17
years old people spend time on social networking about 9 hours per day,
which is as much as the time spent on watching TV.” However, on social
websites, young people can be more creative especially while publishing
videos, pictures, and also the way they decorate the websites.

           To conclude, online social networks have been existing since the start of
internet, but it was not as popular as it is now. Social websites are still
developing their roles so as they can be more efficient for internet users. Used
wisely and responsibly, online social networking sites don’t represent a danger
to anyone; however,  they provide privacy and safety features. 

References :

http://www.scribd.com/doc/12706906/Social-Networking-Essay    http://www.whatissocialnetworking.com/

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